Public Mapping Plan Submission FAQs

What is a Mapping Plan?

Public Mapping Plan Submissions are group and individual submissions that include geospatial vector data for geographic information systems software.

Learn more:

How do I submit a Mapping Plan?

Mapping plan files must be accompanied by screen shots for public access. Commentary material must be submitted in PDF format (not in the text of the submitting email). Files will be uploaded as-is to folders arranged by authoring group or individual.

File names must include no spaces or special characters (including periods). Please use CamelCase or hyphens in place of spaces.  Author names should be abbreviated where appropriate.

District types should be abbreviated:

State Board of Equalization = SBOE
Congressional District = CD
Assembly District = AD
Senate District = SD
Combination Senate and Assembly = SA

Naming Convention:


(Submitted June 4, 2011 by the ABCD group regarding State Board of Equalization for Region 4)

(Submitted May 22, 2011 by John Smith regarding Congressional District for District 36)

It is strongly recommended that all personal information be removed from files before submission.

Submit Mapping Plans and Supplemental Files to


Please allow 3-5 business days for files to be posted. Receipt can be confirmed by visiting the appropriate author folder at the link below:

Click here to access public mapping plan submissions >


Call toll-free 1 (866) 356-5217