For Immediate Release Contact: Patrick McGuire 916.709.6303
New Leaders Take Helm of California Citizens Redistricting Commission Connie Malloy & Angelo Ancheta Pledge a Strong Transition for Incoming 2020-2030 Commission
Sacramento, CA (April 1st, 2019) – Today, the California Citizens Redistricting Commission is excited to announce that Connie Malloy has become the Chair of the Commission as it enters the final phase of its 10-year term. Angelo Ancheta has become the Vice Chair. Together, their immediate focus will be to ensure a robust, diverse applicant pool for the 2020 Commission selection process which will be administered by the California State Auditor. Since first Commission’s formation in 2010, Malloy, Ancheta and their 12 Commissioner colleagues have overseen the creation and implementation of fair political districts, redesigning California’s citizen representation across the Assembly, Senate, Congressional and Board of Equalization maps. California became the first State in the nation to use a truly independent commission of citizens reflecting the State’s political, geographic, and demographic diversity to determine its legislative maps. “I’m so proud of the work we’ve done as a Commission to ensure fair representation for all Californians,” shared Ms. Malloy. “Voters should pick politicians, not the other way around. Our state’s groundbreaking independent Commission puts the power of redistricting back in the hands of everyday people and I’m honored to lead the first Commission as we prepare to enter our tenth and final year.” In addition to leading the current Commission as the open application cycle and transition to the second Commission begins, Ms. Malloy and Mr. Ancheta also aim to continue to lift up California’s Commission as a model for other states that are moving to independent commissions or considering them to address challenges such as partisan gerrymandering and voter disengagement. Outside of her work as a Commissioner, Ms. Malloy serves as Portfolio Director at the James Irvine Foundation where she leads grantmaking portfolios investing in workforce and economic development, as well as voter and civic engagement. Mr. Ancheta is an attorney whose career in the nonprofit and academic sectors has focused on civil rights, constitutional law, and appellate advocacy. “California’s Independent Commission is a model for the rest of the nation,” commented Alex Padilla, California Secretary of State. “The Commission is a vital part of creating a fair and representative democracy. Under Connie and Angelo’s leadership, I am confident in the Commission’s continued success.” After voters approved ballot initiatives in 2008 and 2010 to give the power to draw maps to the citizen commission, more than 30,000 people applied. Fourteen commissioners held 100 meetings and drew congressional and legislative districts that reflected the will of the people. “The California model is the gold-standard for citizen-led redistricting,” said Rey LópezCalderón, J.D, the Executive Director of California Common Cause.” It launched a national movement. We encourage California residents to continue to show the nation what is possible when people, not self-interested politicians, draw the lines.” The 2020 Commission selection process will begin in June 2019 in order to select the 2020-2030 Commissioners who will use Census 2020 data and public input to shape electoral district maps for public elected officials chosen for the House of Representatives, the California legislature, and the Board of Equalization. Connie Malloy and Angelo Ancheta are available for interviews and comment on issues related to the Commission, redistricting and fair and transparent elections. To learn more about the Commissioner application process, please visit: ### California’s Citizens Redistricting Commission is a 14-member Commission charged with redrawing California’s Senate, Assembly, State Board of Equalization, and Congressional districts based on information gathered during the census. The Commission must draw the State Senate, Assembly, State Board of Equalization, and Congressional districts in conformity with strict, nonpartisan rules designed to create districts of relatively equal population that will provide fair representation for all Californians. To learn more about the California Citizens Redistricting Commission visit