In Memoriam

Commissioner Jane Andersen 1959 - 2024

It is with a heavy heart that the California Citizens Redistricting Commission (CCRC) shares the sad news that our colleague and friend, Commissioner Jane Andersen, passed away on December 28, 2024, at her home in Berkeley.

Commissioner Andersen began her CCRC service as our first chair. Later, she led our efforts to ensure our materials would be fully accessible. Throughout the redistricting process, she was fully dedicated to our shared goal of fair maps. She brought enthusiasm, attention to detail, and a commitment to the public trust. She was proud of the CCRC’s work and grateful for the opportunity to serve all Californians.

A full obituary is available here, describing her background, education, pathbreaking career as a structural engineer, and full family life.

With this vacancy, the CCRC will determine its options and path forward for the remainder of its term, which ends with the selection of new commissioners in 2030.