July 21 – 23, 2020 Meeting Handouts
- Process and Procedures Slides (PDF)
- Bagley Keene Slides (PDF)
- “California’s Diverse Demographics and Geography,” Eric McGhee Slides (PDF)
- “California’s Diverse Demographics and Geography,” Eric McGhee (Video; 53:21)
- “Commissioner Experience,” Angelo Ancheta Slides (PDF)
- Summary Statistics, Angelo Ancheta (PDF)
- Selected Laws Applicable to Applicant Review Panel on Diversity, Appreciation for Diversity, and Communities of Interest, Angelo Ancheta (PDF)
- “Commissioner Experience,” Angelo Ancheta (Video; 01:04:26)
- “Redistricting 101”, Justin Levitt Slides (PDF)
- “Redistricting 101”, Justin Levitt (Video; 02:18:26)
- “Impartiality and Working with Others,” Andre Parvenu Outline (PDF)
- “Impartiality and Working with Others,” Andre Parvenu (Video; 50:21)
- “Census Data and the Process of Map-Drawing,” Karin Mac Donald and Jaime Clark Part 1 (Video; 02:01:32)
- “Census Data and the Process of Map-Drawing,” Karin Mac Donald and Jaime Clark Part 2 (Video: 53:18)
- “Census Data and the Process of Map-Drawing,” Karin Mac Donald & Jaime Clark Slides (PDF)