Applicant: Gabino T. Aguirre, Public Comment 1749

Submission Information

  • Submitter Name: Robert Borrego
  • How Submitter Knows Applicant: Friend
  • Submitted on: 07/01/2010


July 1, 2010

Applicant Review Panel

C/O State Auditor

555 Capitol Mall, Suite 300

Sacramento, CA 95814

Re: Applicant ID 3622

Dear Applicant Review Panel:

As an eighty three year old former sixteen year employee of the California Senate Rules Committee, I have a deep interest in the Applicant Review Panel’s charge. In my many years in the political arena I have met and worked with scores of individuals and organizations from all walks of life. I believe I am a good judge of human character.

I have known Dr. Aguirre for close to forty years and have sat through many meetins of the Santa Paula City Couincil of which he is a member. I, along with Dr. Agusirre form part of a committee that is working to construct a monunment to honor agricultural workers. In addition, I am a member of the Santa Paula Latino Town Hall, a non-profit corporation designed to raise the level of awareness for issues affecting the Latino/Hispanic Community of Santa Paula and Ventura County in particular and California and the United States of America in general. Dr. Aguirre is president of the organization.

As long as I have known Dr. Aguirre and in all the meetings I have attended with him I have noticed how quick he is to analyize arguments, comments and positions taken by others involved in the debates . Dr. Aguirre is always quiet and calm, but when he speaks people listen. One cannot help but arrive at a conclusion that Dr. Aguirre has contributed positively to the issues before the bodies on which he serves. I consider Dr.Aguirre a person of high intellect. This plus his broad experience in a variety the positions he has held, will serve him well as a member of the commission selectedl to draw our state legislative and federal congressional districts. Looking at our state’s demographics I believe it would be prudent to add someone with Dr. Gabino’s background to to the commission. I thereofore, urge you to give serious consideration to Dr. Aguirre as a member of the commission. Thank you for your consideration of my request.

Robert Borrego

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