Applicant: Connie Galambos Malloy, Public Comment 1952

Submission Information

  • Submitter Name: Richard A. Marcantonio
  • How Submitter Knows Applicant: Have worked with her since 2005 or so.
  • Submitted on: 09/17/2010


I’ve worked closely with Connie Galambos Malloy for about five years on issues ranging from quality jobs and affordable housing to climate change and transportation planning. She is extremely bright and committed, and has devoted her life to improving the access of low-income communities of color to opportunity. Connie works very hard, and accomplishes a lot. She works particularly well in group settings, where she helps ensure that the discussion stays on track and reaches closure. She is able to mediate contrasting viewpoints, partly because of her strong “people skills” but primarily due to her ability to incorporate multiple perspectives in her thinking and to forge solutions that address them all. But she also does her homework, which often entails the analysis of technical and quantitative data, and the translation of that data into policy alternatives.

There is no question in my mind that Connie’s involvement would contribute to a better product by the Commission.

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