Helpful Links

  • ShapeCaliforniasFuture is the California State Auditor’s website for information on the selection process for the 2020 Citizens Redistricting Commission.
  • The US Census Bureau provides the latest data from the American Community Survey, including data visualizations such as information about Congressional districts.
  • The Statewide Database is the official repository of decennial census data for the State of California and provides public access to voting, registration, and demographic data free of charge.
  • RedistrictingCA Pocket Guide What is Redistricting? Why is it important to me? How can I participate in redistricting in CA? What redistricting terms should I know? Get answers to these questions and more by downloading the Pocket Guide
  • – access this free, online mapping platform that allows you view current districts, CRC proposed districts, as well as other proposed districts. allows you to see the boundary lines, access key data for every district, and redraw the boundaries to explore other scenarios or to submit more convincing proposals to the Commission.