Applicant: Cynthia M Dai, supplemental-29267

Supplemental Application for Citizens Redistricting Commission

  • Name: Cynthia M Dai
  • City: San Francisco, CA

Submission Timestamp: 04/19/2010 13:51:33

Part 1: Essay Questions:

The responses to the essay questions are limited to no more than 3200 characters including spaces (approximately 500 words) per essay question. You may cut and paste text from any word processing program such as Microsoft Word.

1. Please describe why you are interested in serving on the Citizens Redistricting Commission.

I am motivated to serve on the Commission for three reasons: 1) I want to be part of a solution that restores faith in the electoral process and improves the effectiveness of state government; 2) I’d like to give the underrepresented a voice; 3) I have the experience and skills to be a Commissioner who can make a difference.

PART OF THE SOLUTION: The interests of the people have been lost in a state government deadlock created partially by structural problems in how we elect our leaders’that enables a minority of voters to control election outcomes. Voters should have choices among candidates who compete for the right to represent all their constituents because they understand their needs rather than on the strength of their party loyalty. We need problem-solvers in government who work together to balance competing demands in the best interests of all Californians. Drawing sensible district boundaries is a strong step in the right direction to help resolve the impasse in Sacramento, restore accountability and assure representation of the incredible diversity of California’s citizens.

GIVE THE UNDERREPRESENTED A VOICE: My experience at UC Berkeley helped me to understand the political process in a very diverse electorate and to form my clear sense of civic duty. I entered Cal frustrated that my 18th birthday fell a week after the presidential election. Determined not to be left out, I volunteered to register voters at the Berkeley BART station where I learned that many Californians, including minorities and those of lower socioeconomic status, feel disenfranchised. I also ran for the student Senate and was already the senior Senator by my second year at Cal, a victor in both district and at-large elections’steeped in the understanding of party politics, building coalitions among widely divergent interests and negotiating to achieve common goals. I believe that every citizen is entitled to participate and have fair representation in our democracy. Although we can’t make people vote, the Commission will help to ensure that more people are heard which may encourage more Californians to participate in our democracy and ask more of our state’s leaders.

EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS: I teach part-time because I believe that an informed electorate is crucial to a vibrant democracy, and knowledge gives people the power to make good decisions. I’m proud to teach at Cal because of the high percentage of students who are the first in their families to attend college. But a broadly available, quality public education system is not sufficient. Democracy requires an engaged voter base that reflects our society. A key to voter engagement is faith in the election process and confidence that one’s interests are represented.

The opportunity to serve on a nonpartisan team of like-minded citizens dedicated to solving a flaw in our political process appeals deeply to me. As an entrepreneur and small business owner, I have experienced the negative effects of inefficient government. As a trained engineer and business consultant, I have the relevant skills to help the Commission meet its goals. My life experiences have prepared me for this challenge.

2. Please describe your ability to be impartial, as discussed in Regulation 60800. You may include with this description any occupational, academic, volunteer, or other life experiences you have had that demonstrate this ability.

I’m impartial 1) due to the nature of my work, 2) my educational training, 3) as a teacher, and 4) have no obvious conflicts of interests that might impair my ability to render fair decisions.

WORK: As an independent strategy consultant, I’m paid to make reasoned recommendations supported by research and facts, free of the influences that color internal company decisions. As a marketer, I’ve studied how influence can impact decision making; therefore, I’m hyperaware of our natural susceptibility to biases and of the need to question preconceived notions. When facilitating focus groups, I use techniques to ensure all viewpoints are captured’not just the loudest. In market research, I consider whether our sample set is representative or if interview questions hide implicit assumptions. This is necessary to draw impartial conclusions from the data.

EDUCATION: In decision-making, I value evidence and logic. My engineering degree instilled an appreciation for the scientific method, while my MBA training reinforced the need to make assumptions explicit and to test them. I value opinions both politically right and left of me and enjoy pre-election discussion about state and city propositions. I believe that the best solutions come after healthy debate, whether between Marketing and Engineering managers or progressive and conservative voters.

TEACHING: Teachers must grade fairly despite a natural tendency to favor bright students and discount unmotivated ones. In the Leadership and Teamwork course I designed and teach at UC Berkeley, it is critical to give students equal opportunities to learn. With 70+ students in a culturally diverse class and seemingly subjective factors like class participation as a significant portion of the grade, I consciously develop tactics to support objectivity. I encourage even when correcting or questioning comments to foster and sustain the motivation to learn; as in voting, this prevents students from opting out, and instead, to continue to contribute to the discussion. Once I caught a student with a reading open during a closed-book quiz and immediately stopped the test. While discussing the consequences of cheating, I noted that more than one student had readings open. Rather than single out the student I saw, I challenged students to design a fair process to test their knowledge. From their suggestions, which ranged from turning in their study notes to better proctoring, I asked the class to vote on the best solution to implement for the rest of the course. While this created more work for me, my students appreciated the teachable moment and were satisfied that the solution was fair.

NO CONFLICTS: I have no personal, business, or financial relationships, commitments or aspirations that might affect my ability to make impartial redistricting decisions.

I’m impressed with the Commission’s selection process because fair and open processes lead to sound decisions that most people can support. I voted for Prop. 11 despite the opposition of the Democratic party and progressive groups because I believe it’s a good government measure, and I’m committed to fulfilling the Commission’s goals in an impartial manner.

3. Please describe your appreciation for California’s diverse demographics and geography, as discussed in Regulation 60805. You may include with this description any occupational, academic, volunteer, or other life experiences you have had that demonstrate this appreciation.

My nuanced appreciation of California’s diverse demographics and geography stems from 1) Board work with Habitat for Humanity (HHSF), 2) teaching at UC Berkeley, 3) consulting, 4) canvassing and 5) traveling around the state.

HHSF: Consistently I have seen diverse teams consider more ideas, make better decisions and divide work more efficiently. As President of HHSF, I led an interesting group consisting of bankers, construction experts, real estate professionals and ministers to create housing for low-income residents. Our group included traditional liberals concerned about poverty and conservatives concerned about dependency. In San Francisco we had Jews, atheists and agnostics in this ‘Christian housing ministry’. Our differences did not prevent us from building community because we listened to each other, which strengthened our teamwork and fundraising efforts.

TEACHING: I translated my positive experiences with diverse teams into a carefully orchestrated learning experience at Cal where I find conversations about cultural differences and diversity inevitably devolve into racial stereotypes. In my Leadership course students are placed into socially engineered, diverse teams to compel them to work together. I provide structured ways for my students to build their teams, choose leaders, make decisions and hold each other accountable for performance. As an extra challenge, a new teammate is added to each team midway through the term’remotely from Taiwan! Students learn that diversity is more complex than they imagined. A recent Chinese immigrant who was previously ignored finds his language and cultural skills in demand on the team. But most surprisingly conclude that their work teams were superior to teams of friends, and that being politically correct is not the same as appreciating diversity!

CONSULTING: I travel the state for business and appreciate the regional differences in industries. Broadcast equipment supplier Grass Valley Group was a client who could attract high-tech employees to a Gold Rush town. My business plan for digital animation studio PDI resulted in its sale to DreamWorks, marrying Silicon Valley innovation with Hollywood.

CANVASSING: As a ‘No on 8’ campaign volunteer, I studied a political map of California to strategize about this charged civil rights issue that split voters 50-50 and defied simple classification along race, gender, age or socioeconomic lines. Deeply held religious and cultural beliefs were at play. I walked precincts in San Francisco’s mostly African-American Bayview district and was deployed in Oakland’s Chinatown’which proved challenging despite my Chinese proficiency.
TRAVEL: As one who enjoys California camping, I’ve observed that California’s diverse geography results in resource differences and competing interests. Water epitomizes this. Driving along the California Aqueduct, I’ve seen dying trees with signs posted by farmers, but the state must share limited water between North and South, among cities, farming, fishing and environmental interests while balancing investing in our future with jobs for Californians today. I want to help the Commission ensure that all voices are heard.

4. Please describe the analytical skills you have that are relevant to serving on the Citizens Redistricting Commission, as discussed in Regulation 60827. You may include with this description any occupational, academic, volunteer, or other life experiences you have had that demonstrate those skills.

I have proven analytical skills in 1) gathering and comprehending information, 2) evaluating those facts, 3) applying rules to the data, and 4) building group consensus.

COMPILING/UNDERSTANDING FACTS: With my degrees in electrical engineering/computer science and an MBA, I am computer-savvy and very comfortable with highly technical, complex, quantitative and qualitative data. As a strategy consultant and marketing professional, I typically lead a team to review market research reports, conduct interviews and focus groups with customers and extract market insights from a massive amount of conflicting and ambiguous intelligence from multiple sources, including competitors, industry experts and news outlets.

EVALUATING DATA: My work requires active listening and excellent communication skills. When meeting new clients I must instill confidence that I can solve their problems, and my ability to offer insight in that first hour is key to the long-term success of my business. When I conduct interviews with my clients’ employees, customers, prospects or competitors, I must be attuned to tone of voice, probe for unfinished thoughts and ask smart questions to make sound recommendations. We helped one client correctly interpret a survey by analyzing specific subgroups by zip code which revealed conclusions exactly opposite of the aggregate results and their original assumptions. My ability to synthesize and distill information to a few relevant factors has enabled me to develop successful strategies for my clients.
APPLYING RULES: I often facilitate brainstorming sessions and present information in a simple assessment matrix to allow clients to draw clear conclusions. As a start-up company executive and nonprofit Board member, I’ve considered and applied legal advice on issues ranging from employees and contracts to insurance and construction. I also served on a jury that deliberated for several days to consider different opinions, finer points of law (including special circumstances), and apply jury instructions’all while avoiding analysis paralysis to achieve consensus.

BUILDING CONSENSUS: As a Project Leader for the Stanford Alumni Consulting Team (ACT), I’ve led teams of business school alumni volunteers to apply our skills to the public sector. As strangers we must learn each other’s strengths quickly to efficiently produce results for our nonprofit clients. We investigate the issues, research and analyze data, develop logical frameworks, and deliver a final report with recommendations in a matter of months. For GirlSource, an ACT client that cultivates leadership in low-income girls, we analyzed detailed demographic data and interviewed at-risk girls to map by neighborhood where the need among 14-18 year-olds was greatest, leading them to focus on expanding within San Francisco rather than expanding beyond its borders.

I’ve worked with intelligent people with strong and often conflicting opinions, usually under high-stakes deadlines. Our decisions had to stand the test of public scrutiny of employees, fellow homeowners, clients, judges or other stakeholders’so we presented and defended our decisions successfully as a team.

Part 2: General Information


Yes No
Did you graduate from high school?
If not, do you possess a GED or equivalent?
If not, enter the highest grade you completed:

University or College, Business, Correspondence, Trade, or Service School(s) Attended

School Name and Location: University of California, Berkeley
Course of Study/Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Diploma, Degree, or Certificate Obtained: Bachelor of Science with honors
Date Completed, If Completed: 12/1988
Number of Years Attended: 4


School Name and Location: Stanford Graduate School of Business
Course of Study/Major: Business
Diploma, Degree, or Certificate Obtained: MBA
Date Completed, If Completed: 06/1993
Number of Years Attended: 2


Employment History

  • Begin with your most recent job.
  • List each job separately.
  • Employment history must include at least 10 years. Employment job classifications may include retired, volunteer, not employed outside the home, or not employed. Please account for all of your time during the past 10 years.
  • Include all employment history you believe is relevant beyond 10 years.

From: 1992
To: Present
Employer Name: Dainamic Consulting, Inc.
Title/Job Classification (Include Range or Level, if applicable): CEO
Total Worked (Years/Months): 18 yrs, 3 months
Description of Duties Performed*: Serve as interim executive. Develop client relationships; define project scope; lead teams to conduct primary and secondary market research; analyze data; make objective recommendations on all aspects of strategic planning, marketing strategy and organizational effectiveness for high-tech clients. See


From: 06/2006
To: present
Employer Name: University of California, Berkeley
Title/Job Classification (Include Range or Level, if applicable): Industry Fellow/Lecturer
Total Worked (Years/Months): 4 semesters (over 4 school years)
Description of Duties Performed*: Designed and teach an experiential Leadership & Teamwork course/module to equip science and engineering students with ‘people skills’, organizational behavior principles and management skills within the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (CET) at the College of Engineering. Lecturer Teaching Fellow for 2008-09.


From: 05/2009
To: 12/2009
Employer Name: University of California, Berkeley
Title/Job Classification (Include Range or Level, if applicable): Academic Program Management Officer 4
Total Worked (Years/Months): 6 months
Description of Duties Performed*: Launched the Tsinghua-Berkeley Global Technology Leadership program at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Adapted CET curriculum for Chinese undergrad/grad students and taught 2 core courses: Technology Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership Lecture Series. Set up local mentor network.


Employer Name:
Title/Job Classification (Include Range or Level, if applicable):
Total Worked (Years/Months):
Description of Duties Performed*:


* In your current employment, if you serve as staff to, or a consultant to, or are under contract with the Governor of California, a member of the California Legislature, a California member of Congress, or a member of the State Board of Equalization you must disclose that here.


Describe the professional, social, political, volunteer, and community activities in which you have engaged that you believe are relevant to serving as a commissioner, as discussed in Regulation 60847. The responses to this question are limited to no more than 3200 characters including spaces (approximately 500 words). You may cut and paste text from any word processing program such as Microsoft Word.

I am active in community activities that hone my skills and relevant experience to serve as a Commissioner 1) as a Board member, 2) pro bono consultant, 3) community organizer and 4) nonpartisan advocate.

BOARD MEMBER: As Board President of Habitat for Humanity San Francisco, Vice Chair of Lyon-Martin Women’s Health Services, Vice President of a condo association and an officer for Women in Telecommunications, I had fiduciary and legal responsibilities to make binding decisions on behalf of staff and members of professional and community organizations. Most Board members represented diverse viewpoints or expertise, yet we had to come to consensus and make defensible decisions as a group.
PRO BONO PROJECT LEADER: In the past 15 years, I’ve led over a dozen projects on behalf of the Stanford Alumni Consulting Team in marketing, strategic planning, and organizational effectiveness for nonprofits, such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters, a public library, and The Idea Village, a nonprofit promoting economic development in post-Katrina New Orleans. In each case, my team interacted with a variety of (mostly) Californians working to support different populations and their needs, applying the same analytical skills I use in my for-profit work but for more meaningful impact. The primary difference lies in managing volunteers, keeping busy professionals engaged and motivated for the duration when their priorities may be elsewhere. As the Commission will operate for 10 years, we may have similar challenges managing the intensity and lulls in work.

COMMUNITY ORGANIZER: As a Neighborhood Coordinator for San Francisco’s Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT) for the past several years, I help to coordinate volunteers to supplement first responders in the event of a major earthquake or other emergency. In this role, I work with members of the public, the business community and the San Francisco Fire Department to recruit new NERTs, lead training sessions and meetings, and acquire support and resources from local businesses. I also contribute my time to political and social causes. I’ve participated in voter outreach campaigns both door-to-door and by phone’precinct walking and canvassing. I enjoy the challenge of meeting with and learning from different people to understand their perspectives especially when they do not agree with mine.

NONPARTISAN ADVOCATE: Concurrently, for six years, I was one of five co-leaders of the Free Jude Shao campaign, a multi-pronged effort to win the release of a Stanford Business School classmate and California entrepreneur wrongfully imprisoned in China. Our nonpartisan team of Northern and Southern Californians, Democrats and Republicans targeted the State Department, elected officials, the media, and influential citizens to raise awareness and elicit action. Jude’s case was ultimately raised by the Bush administration during bilateral talks, and he was released unharmed shortly before the Beijing Olympics. My community activities have allowed me to practice impartiality, to appreciate California’s diversity and to analyze data and build consensus decisions in many different kinds of groups.

Criminal History

Have you ever been convicted by any court of a felony?

If yes, please provide the following information:

* Offense (other pertinent information):


* If known, include the reference to the statute under which you were convicted (i.e. Penal Code section 424).

Voting Information

When you voted in any of the last three statewide general elections (i.e. the elections in November 2004, November 2006, and November 2008), did you vote using a different name or address than your current name or address?

Former Residences

List all of the places you have lived for 30 days or more at one time during the last 10 years (but list no information for where you lived prior to your 18th birthday). This does not include your current residence. If you lived in temporary housing while permanently residing somewhere else, note that with an * in the address line.

From Date: 9/19/2009
To Date: 12/5/2009
City, State, Zip Code: Beijing 100084
County (or Country if Outside the United States): China


Financial Contributions

List all of the monetary and non-monetary contributions of $250 or more that you have made in any single calendar year during the past 2 years to any professional, social, political, volunteer, and community organizations and causes. Begin with your most recent contribution.

Date of Contribution, if known: 01/2010-present
Organization: TMC Development Working Solutions
Location: San Francisco, CA
Amount: $4000 (in-kind)


Date of Contribution, if known: 04-09/2009
Organization: Stanford Center for Leadership and Development
Location: Stanford, CA
Amount: $15,000 (in-kind)


Date of Contribution, if known: 06-07/2009
Organization: Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center
Location: San Francisco, CA
Amount: $3150 (in-kind)


Date of Contribution, if known: 07/2008-05/2009
Organization: The Idea Village
Location: New Orleans, LA
Amount: $28,000 (in-kind)


Date of Contribution, if known: 04/2008-05/2009
Organization: Frameline
Location: San Francisco, CA
Amount: $2500 (in-kind)


Part 3: Family Information

You must provide information about each living family member described in this paragraph. Information about each applicant’s family members is necessary to determine whether an applicant has a conflict of interest that would prohibit the applicant from serving on the commission. In this part of the application, you must provide information about your living parents, spouse, registered domestic partner (RDP), children, siblings, parents in-law, siblings in-law, sons and daughters in-law. Step-parents, step-children, and step-siblings count as parents, children, and siblings.

Do you have any family members as described above?

You are required to list information for each family member in a separate set of fields. The relationship, name, occupation, and employer may be posted on the Internet as explained in the privacy statement contained in this application. No other information will be posted on the Internet.

Name: Wei-ling Dai
Relationship: Parent
For this family member, you must state whether within the past 10 years the person has engaged in any of the activities that could cause you to have a conflict of interest under the Voters FIRST Act. The following is a list of those activities:

  • Been appointed to, elected to, or a candidate for a California congressional or state office. (“Appointed” means appointed by the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization, or served at the pleasure of the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization.)
  • Served as an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a California political party or the campaign committee of a candidate for a California congressional or elective state office.
  • Served as an elected or appointed member of a political party central committee operating in California.
  • Been a lobbyist registered with the State of California or a California local government.
  • Been a registered federal lobbyist.
  • Served as paid California congressional, legislative, or State Board of Equalization staff.
  • Contributed $2,000 or more during a calendar year to any California congressional, state, or local candidate for elective public office.
Within the past 10 years, has this family member engaged in any of the activities listed above that could cause you to have a conflict of interest?: Yes   No
If you answered “Yes” to the last question:
– When did the activity occur?:
– What was the activity?:
For each family member you must indicate whether you have a special (bona fide) relationship with that person. You have a special (bona fide) relationship with a family member if during the past 12 months you have (Guidance on Conflicts of Interest):

  1. Resided with that person for a period or periods totaling 30 days or more – Examples.
  2. Shared with that person ownership of any real or personal property having a total value of $1,000 or more – Examples.
  3. Provided to or received from that person a financial benefit totaling $1,000 or more – Examples.
Do you have a special relationship with this person based on any of the three factors described above?: Yes   No


Name: Kathryn Gomez
Relationship: Spouse/Registed Domestic Partner (RDP)
For this family member, you must state whether within the past 10 years the person has engaged in any of the activities that could cause you to have a conflict of interest under the Voters FIRST Act. The following is a list of those activities:

  • Been appointed to, elected to, or a candidate for a California congressional or state office. (“Appointed” means appointed by the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization, or served at the pleasure of the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization.)
  • Served as an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a California political party or the campaign committee of a candidate for a California congressional or elective state office.
  • Served as an elected or appointed member of a political party central committee operating in California.
  • Been a lobbyist registered with the State of California or a California local government.
  • Been a registered federal lobbyist.
  • Served as paid California congressional, legislative, or State Board of Equalization staff.
  • Contributed $2,000 or more during a calendar year to any California congressional, state, or local candidate for elective public office.
Within the past 10 years, has this family member engaged in any of the activities listed above that could cause you to have a conflict of interest?: Yes   No
If you answered “Yes” to the last question:
– When did the activity occur?:
– What was the activity?:
For each family member you must indicate whether you have a special (bona fide) relationship with that person. You have a special (bona fide) relationship with a family member if during the past 12 months you have (Guidance on Conflicts of Interest):

  1. Resided with that person for a period or periods totaling 30 days or more – Examples.
  2. Shared with that person ownership of any real or personal property having a total value of $1,000 or more – Examples.
  3. Provided to or received from that person a financial benefit totaling $1,000 or more – Examples.
Do you have a special relationship with this person based on any of the three factors described above?: Yes   No


Name: Vivien Dai
Relationship: Sibling
For this family member, you must state whether within the past 10 years the person has engaged in any of the activities that could cause you to have a conflict of interest under the Voters FIRST Act. The following is a list of those activities:

  • Been appointed to, elected to, or a candidate for a California congressional or state office. (“Appointed” means appointed by the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization, or served at the pleasure of the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization.)
  • Served as an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a California political party or the campaign committee of a candidate for a California congressional or elective state office.
  • Served as an elected or appointed member of a political party central committee operating in California.
  • Been a lobbyist registered with the State of California or a California local government.
  • Been a registered federal lobbyist.
  • Served as paid California congressional, legislative, or State Board of Equalization staff.
  • Contributed $2,000 or more during a calendar year to any California congressional, state, or local candidate for elective public office.
Within the past 10 years, has this family member engaged in any of the activities listed above that could cause you to have a conflict of interest?: Yes   No
If you answered “Yes” to the last question:
– When did the activity occur?:
– What was the activity?:
For each family member you must indicate whether you have a special (bona fide) relationship with that person. You have a special (bona fide) relationship with a family member if during the past 12 months you have (Guidance on Conflicts of Interest):

  1. Resided with that person for a period or periods totaling 30 days or more – Examples.
  2. Shared with that person ownership of any real or personal property having a total value of $1,000 or more – Examples.
  3. Provided to or received from that person a financial benefit totaling $1,000 or more – Examples.
Do you have a special relationship with this person based on any of the three factors described above?: Yes   No


Name: Jeff Fenigstein
Relationship: Brother or Sister in-law: Spouse/RDP of Sibling
For this family member, you must state whether within the past 10 years the person has engaged in any of the activities that could cause you to have a conflict of interest under the Voters FIRST Act. The following is a list of those activities:

  • Been appointed to, elected to, or a candidate for a California congressional or state office. (“Appointed” means appointed by the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization, or served at the pleasure of the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization.)
  • Served as an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a California political party or the campaign committee of a candidate for a California congressional or elective state office.
  • Served as an elected or appointed member of a political party central committee operating in California.
  • Been a lobbyist registered with the State of California or a California local government.
  • Been a registered federal lobbyist.
  • Served as paid California congressional, legislative, or State Board of Equalization staff.
  • Contributed $2,000 or more during a calendar year to any California congressional, state, or local candidate for elective public office.
Within the past 10 years, has this family member engaged in any of the activities listed above that could cause you to have a conflict of interest?: Yes   No
If you answered “Yes” to the last question:
– When did the activity occur?:
– What was the activity?:
For each family member you must indicate whether you have a special (bona fide) relationship with that person. You have a special (bona fide) relationship with a family member if during the past 12 months you have (Guidance on Conflicts of Interest):

  1. Resided with that person for a period or periods totaling 30 days or more – Examples.
  2. Shared with that person ownership of any real or personal property having a total value of $1,000 or more – Examples.
  3. Provided to or received from that person a financial benefit totaling $1,000 or more – Examples.
Do you have a special relationship with this person based on any of the three factors described above?: Yes   No


Name: Carol Gomez Summerhays
Relationship: Brother or Sister in-law: Sibling of Spouse/RDP
For this family member, you must state whether within the past 10 years the person has engaged in any of the activities that could cause you to have a conflict of interest under the Voters FIRST Act. The following is a list of those activities:

  • Been appointed to, elected to, or a candidate for a California congressional or state office. (“Appointed” means appointed by the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization, or served at the pleasure of the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization.)
  • Served as an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a California political party or the campaign committee of a candidate for a California congressional or elective state office.
  • Served as an elected or appointed member of a political party central committee operating in California.
  • Been a lobbyist registered with the State of California or a California local government.
  • Been a registered federal lobbyist.
  • Served as paid California congressional, legislative, or State Board of Equalization staff.
  • Contributed $2,000 or more during a calendar year to any California congressional, state, or local candidate for elective public office.
Within the past 10 years, has this family member engaged in any of the activities listed above that could cause you to have a conflict of interest?: Yes   No
If you answered “Yes” to the last question:
– When did the activity occur?:
– What was the activity?:
For each family member you must indicate whether you have a special (bona fide) relationship with that person. You have a special (bona fide) relationship with a family member if during the past 12 months you have (Guidance on Conflicts of Interest):

  1. Resided with that person for a period or periods totaling 30 days or more – Examples.
  2. Shared with that person ownership of any real or personal property having a total value of $1,000 or more – Examples.
  3. Provided to or received from that person a financial benefit totaling $1,000 or more – Examples.
Do you have a special relationship with this person based on any of the three factors described above?: Yes   No


Name: Gwen Gomez
Relationship: Brother or Sister in-law: Sibling of Spouse/RDP
For this family member, you must state whether within the past 10 years the person has engaged in any of the activities that could cause you to have a conflict of interest under the Voters FIRST Act. The following is a list of those activities:

  • Been appointed to, elected to, or a candidate for a California congressional or state office. (“Appointed” means appointed by the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization, or served at the pleasure of the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization.)
  • Served as an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a California political party or the campaign committee of a candidate for a California congressional or elective state office.
  • Served as an elected or appointed member of a political party central committee operating in California.
  • Been a lobbyist registered with the State of California or a California local government.
  • Been a registered federal lobbyist.
  • Served as paid California congressional, legislative, or State Board of Equalization staff.
  • Contributed $2,000 or more during a calendar year to any California congressional, state, or local candidate for elective public office.
Within the past 10 years, has this family member engaged in any of the activities listed above that could cause you to have a conflict of interest?: Yes   No
If you answered “Yes” to the last question:
– When did the activity occur?:
– What was the activity?:
For each family member you must indicate whether you have a special (bona fide) relationship with that person. You have a special (bona fide) relationship with a family member if during the past 12 months you have (Guidance on Conflicts of Interest):

  1. Resided with that person for a period or periods totaling 30 days or more – Examples.
  2. Shared with that person ownership of any real or personal property having a total value of $1,000 or more – Examples.
  3. Provided to or received from that person a financial benefit totaling $1,000 or more – Examples.
Do you have a special relationship with this person based on any of the three factors described above?: Yes   No


Name: Steve Gomez
Relationship: Brother or Sister in-law: Sibling of Spouse/RDP
For this family member, you must state whether within the past 10 years the person has engaged in any of the activities that could cause you to have a conflict of interest under the Voters FIRST Act. The following is a list of those activities:

  • Been appointed to, elected to, or a candidate for a California congressional or state office. (“Appointed” means appointed by the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization, or served at the pleasure of the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization.)
  • Served as an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a California political party or the campaign committee of a candidate for a California congressional or elective state office.
  • Served as an elected or appointed member of a political party central committee operating in California.
  • Been a lobbyist registered with the State of California or a California local government.
  • Been a registered federal lobbyist.
  • Served as paid California congressional, legislative, or State Board of Equalization staff.
  • Contributed $2,000 or more during a calendar year to any California congressional, state, or local candidate for elective public office.
Within the past 10 years, has this family member engaged in any of the activities listed above that could cause you to have a conflict of interest?: Yes   No
If you answered “Yes” to the last question:
– When did the activity occur?:
– What was the activity?:
For each family member you must indicate whether you have a special (bona fide) relationship with that person. You have a special (bona fide) relationship with a family member if during the past 12 months you have (Guidance on Conflicts of Interest):

  1. Resided with that person for a period or periods totaling 30 days or more – Examples.
  2. Shared with that person ownership of any real or personal property having a total value of $1,000 or more – Examples.
  3. Provided to or received from that person a financial benefit totaling $1,000 or more – Examples.
Do you have a special relationship with this person based on any of the three factors described above?: Yes   No


Name: Soames Summerhays
Relationship: Brother or Sister in-law: Spouse/RDP of Your Spouse’s/RDP’s Sibling
For this family member, you must state whether within the past 10 years the person has engaged in any of the activities that could cause you to have a conflict of interest under the Voters FIRST Act. The following is a list of those activities:

  • Been appointed to, elected to, or a candidate for a California congressional or state office. (“Appointed” means appointed by the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization, or served at the pleasure of the Governor, a member of the Legislature, or a member of the State Board of Equalization.)
  • Served as an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a California political party or the campaign committee of a candidate for a California congressional or elective state office.
  • Served as an elected or appointed member of a political party central committee operating in California.
  • Been a lobbyist registered with the State of California or a California local government.
  • Been a registered federal lobbyist.
  • Served as paid California congressional, legislative, or State Board of Equalization staff.
  • Contributed $2,000 or more during a calendar year to any California congressional, state, or local candidate for elective public office.
Within the past 10 years, has this family member engaged in any of the activities listed above that could cause you to have a conflict of interest?: Yes   No
If you answered “Yes” to the last question:
– When did the activity occur?:
– What was the activity?:
For each family member you must indicate whether you have a special (bona fide) relationship with that person. You have a special (bona fide) relationship with a family member if during the past 12 months you have (Guidance on Conflicts of Interest):

  1. Resided with that person for a period or periods totaling 30 days or more – Examples.
  2. Shared with that person ownership of any real or personal property having a total value of $1,000 or more – Examples.
  3. Provided to or received from that person a financial benefit totaling $1,000 or more – Examples.
Do you have a special relationship with this person based on any of the three factors described above?: Yes   No


Other Relevant Material:

Describe any other relevant information that you consider important that was not otherwise requested in the application. The responses to this question are limited to no more than 3200 characters including spaces (approximately 500 words). You may cut and paste text from any word processing program such as Word.

Several additional traits and experiences will help me fulfill the duties of a Commissioner, including 1) international perspective, 2) group dynamics and change management, 3) facilitation skills, 4) operational expertise, and 5) flexible schedule.

INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE: Despite living overseas extensively, I choose my native California as home because it encompasses the diversity of the world. I’m a second-generation Chinese-American and have lived, worked and traveled in many countries on five continents. I lived in Africa as a child and returned a few years ago to work with a Ugandan nonprofit. My marketing career has taken me throughout Europe and Asia. Recently I lived in Beijing, China to teach at Tsinghua University for a semester. These substantive experiences have enriched me personally and allow me to empathize with people from different cultural heritages and understand how this shapes the way different people frame situations, interact with others and communicate in a group setting.

GROUP DYNAMICS/CHANGE MANAGEMENT: Over the past 18 years, I’ve advised more than 50 clients in marketing, strategic planning and organizational effectiveness in industries including semiconductors, software, telecommunications, media, biotech and transportation. This broad experience has convinced me that brilliant strategy often fails in execution because of ‘people issues,’ so I teach both students and clients how to work effectively and build consensus in diverse groups. For many clients, my recommendations encompass structural and process changes that require employee commitment. Although I’m generally hired by senior executives, I work at all levels of an organization to gain that commitment so we manage change effectively.
FACILITATION SKILLS: Holding public hearings throughout the state for the Commission is also a change management process. I’m trained in the Interaction Method for meeting facilitation and can run meetings using more formal methods such as Roberts Rules of Order. I’m certified in Public/Community Affairs as a Local Business Enterprise in San Francisco, qualified to run public hearings. As a Board member, executive and consultant, I lead and facilitate many meetings and retreats.

OPERATIONAL EXPERTISE: In addition to my strategy consulting practice, I serve as an interim executive for some of my clients utilizing my significant management and operational expertise as a serial entrepreneur. I’ve worked in companies as large as Hewlett Packard and Sun Microsystems, small public companies, as well as new ventures with a few co-founders. I’ve hired and managed staff and multimillion-dollar budgets and have worked in resource-constrained start-up environments.

FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE: Because I do run my own business, my schedule is more flexible than most which will allow me to fully participate as a Commissioner, especially in the critical first year. My personal philosophy is to commit to organizations only when I’m ready to give 110%. I am excited to devote the time and energy to ensure that the Citizens Redistricting Commission achieves its historic mission.

Part 4: Letters of Recommendation

An applicant must submit or arrange for the submission of three letters of recommendation from individuals or organizations. A letter of recommendation may be no longer than two pages. A description of the elements of a letter of recommendation is provided at the bureau’s web site. (Note: A public comment submitted about you will not count as a letter of recommendation.)

An applicant shall submit the required letters of recommendation to the bureau on or before April 19. Applicants shall submit the letters of recommendation to the bureau via e-mail to, or by facsimile, United States mail, or other common carrier. Letters of recommendation received by the bureau after April 19 will not be considered, and the applicant will not continue on in the application process.

On all of your letters of recommendation, you must include your application ID, which is 29267. The identification number is unique to your application and insures that each of your letters of recommendation is correctly attached to your application file before it is reviewed by the Applicant Review Panel. The letters of recommendation may be addressed to the Applicant Review Panel and can be mailed to 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA, 95814 in care of the State Auditor. They may also be faxed to 916-319-9295 or e-mailed to E-mail is the preferred method of delivery.

Part 5: Financial Disclosure Form

If likely to be selected for an interview, you will be required to submit FPPC Form 700, Statement of Economic Interests. You do not need to submit that form now.



The Voters FIRST Act (the Act) and the regulations implementing the Act require that the selection of commissioners on the Citizens Redistricting Commission (commission) be open to public scrutiny and the press (see California Constitution, Article XXI, section 2, subdivision (c); California Goverment Code sections 8252, 11120, 11121, and 11125.1; California Code of Regulations, title 2, sections 60836, 60842, and 60846). The Act also requires that the Bureau of State Audits (bureau) select 60 of the most qualified applicants based upon their voter affiliation, their eligibility to serve pursuant to Article XXI of the California Constitution, the absence of any conflicts of interest, their relevant analytical skills, ability to be impartial, appreciation for California’s diverse demographics and geography, and their racial, ethnic, geographic, gender and economic diversity. To determine each applicant’s identity and qualifications to serve on the commission, and to track the demographic information of the applicant pool, this application seeks personal information about applicants that will be provided to the Applicant Review Panel, bureau staff, the public, including members of the press, the Legislature, and the commission.


Failure to provide all of the requested information will result in your disqualification and the removal of your name from the applicant pool. Thus, if you wish to serve on the commission, for each item of information requested, it is mandatory that you submit a response.


By submitting this application, you acknowledge that the application, all documents submitted in support of your application, including a Statement of Economic Interests (FPPC Form 700), if you are asked to submit one, letters of recommendation, materials generated as a result of any bureau or Applicant Review Panel investigation of you, and all comments about and responses to comments about your application are public records. You agree that the bureau shall provide copies of these materials to members of the public and the press, members and staff of the Applicant Review Panel, bureau staff, the Legislature, the commission, and as otherwise compelled by law. You understand that members of the Applicant Review Panel and the public may make public statements about you. You authorize the bureau to use the information submitted by and about you as the bureau deems necessary to select commissioners and replacement commissioners or otherwise comply with its legal duties, and you also authorize the bureau to post all materials related to your application to serve on the commission on its website.


By applying to be a commissioner, you are waiving your privacy and other rights under various state and federal laws, including, but not limited to, the Information Practices Act (Cal. Civil Code section 1798 et seq.), and any defamation, invasion of privacy, and negligence claim you may have against the bureau and those acting on its behalf. Accordingly, by waiving your privacy rights, you are agreeing to permit the bureau to release any and all information submitted by or about you, EXCEPT that the bureau will not post on the Internet your date of birth, physical, mailing, and e-mail addresses (excluding the city and county), and telephone numbers, or the addresses and telephone numbers of your immediate family members. At this point in the process, the bureau will not collect, and please do not voluntarily submit to the bureau, your social security number, driver’s license number, financial account numbers, or health information. By submitting your application, you acknowledge and consent to the release of the information you and others are providing related to you, and except as specifically provided above, you are waiving your right to privacy regarding all information relating to you and your application to serve as a commissioner. This waiver authorizes the bureau to make public information submitted by or about you for a period of twelve (12) years from the date of your application, even if you are not selected as a commissioner. You are providing this waiver voluntarily, understanding that the bureau shall not be legally liable as a result of the release of information submitted by or about you, or as the result of comments made about you by others, that the bureau posts on its website or otherwise releases publicly. This includes claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, negligence, and any other statutory or common law claims.


You have a right to review personal information the bureau maintains about you and verify its accuracy. Please contact the bureau’s Privacy Officer at (916) 445-0255, 555 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, California, 95814 if you would like to view or obtain information about the location of your records and the categories of persons who use the information in your records.


I affirm, by entering my initials in the box, that the statements contained in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I have read and understand the Privacy Notification and Waiver.


School Name and Location:
Course of Study/Major:
Diploma, Degree, or Certificate Obtained:
Date Completed, If Completed:
Number of Years Attended:


Employer Name:
Title/Job Classification (Include Range or Level, if applicable):
Total Worked (Years/Months):
Most Recent/Latest Supervisor:
Phone Number:
Description of Duties Performed:


* Offense (other pertinent information):


From Date:
To Date:
City, State, Zip Code:
County (or Country if Outside the United States):


Date of Contribution, if known:


Home Address:
Telephone Number:
Current Occupation:
Current Employer:
Within the past 10 years, has the family member engaged in any of the activities listed above that could cause you to have a conflict of interest?: Yes   No
If you answered “Yes” to the last question:
– When did the activity occur?:
– What was the activity?:
Do you have a special relationship with this person based on any of the three factors described above?: Yes   No


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